AmigaActive (1472/2143)

From:Conor Kerr
Date:22 May 2000 at 13:17:35
Subject:Re: Hit counter queries


> So here's my question. If I put the hit-counter on ALL of my pages, does
> this mean that I would get a hit every time a person clicks a link to
> a different page of my site, or does it mean that since the hit-counter
> image has already been downloaded, it only gives me one hit every time
> visit my site?

You could use Javascript and cookies to make sure that the counter is only
ever updated one time for each session the user has at your site. It's
quite easy to do. Of course, if they don't have a javascript-capable
broswer or have javascript switched off then the counter wouldn't be updated
at all, which is no small loss as you will know that *more* people will have
visited the site than you thought. That's always better than thinking loads
have visited when really one wee guy just clicked on every page and
refreshed them loads of times.

I can help you with the code if you want,

[web programmer]

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